Biology - end station or just the beginning of a journey?
Hi all!
A bunch of you wanted an update in the case of new designs so hereby it is! We have two latest additions: ROBO-MAIKO (Robot Geisha) & MASHINHĀTO (Machine Heart). Both designs have in common that they are further balancing the thing line between the biological and mechanical theme, which we are very intrigued by.
Personally, I think it is interesting to think about whether an intelligent, biological species is the ultimate outcome in natural selection or just the natural starting point of intelligent life as a means to an end. Questions on this topic captivate me. Will a new human species arise one day? Or does the future evolution of humanity lie not within our genes but within our technology, as we augment our brains and bodies with silicon and steel? Are we but the builders of the next dominant intelligence on the earth—the machines?
Deep questions for a random Wednesday evening! On a lighter note; something that warms my heart is that we just reached our 1500th order! Which means that, you reading this, is still part of quite an exclusive part. Or as I like to think of it - Thank you for being part of the Neomachi family :)
Stay safe out there and take care of each other. We have even more awesome designs on the way that I think you'll really love, so keep an eye out on our Instagram or on your inbox!!
じゃあまたね、(mata ne =see you later) Rosalie