I like you, in a plutonic way
It seems like winter is finally coming, and with that it's the perfect time to upgrade your winter wardrobe with some a nice sweater or hoodie. And don't just settle for any plain ol' hoodie hoodie but you might as well go for the cyberpunkiest design you can get!
Our newest design is a mecha samurai with a radioactive sword, which is like the apex of cyberpunkiness. It doesn't get more dystopian than that in our opinion! We played around with the colors a bit and settled for this dope yellow in combination with the deep red, in contrast to our usual Vaporwave color scheme. We hope you like it as much as we do!

Our newest design is a mecha samurai with a radioactive sword, which is like the apex of cyberpunkiness. It doesn't get more dystopian than that in our opinion! We played around with the colors a bit and settled for this dope yellow in combination with the deep red, in contrast to our usual Vaporwave color scheme. We hope you like it as much as we do!