Time to unleash your inner tiger 🐯
As promised, we're not done yet with releasing new designs just yet! Next up: HAGESHI, which means fierce. Besides the fact that it's just a beautiful design, we love the symbolism behind the art in the sense of the girls' inner tiger waiting to pounce.
It's a bit more of a mellow design regarding colouring, which is a nice change of pace at times in comparison to all our usual bright contrasting neon colours. This artist has designed several of our other designs as well. Can you recognize his style and figure out which other ones?
By the way, if you haven't checked it out yet, our summer promo deal is still ongoing. If you buy 2 tees, you can get a 3rd for free! 🎉 I bet you're still in need of a fresh wardrobe for the summer, so make sure you don't miss it :)